Friday, 25 December 2015



-----Facts of Mawlid, A gift for those who Accept & Deny-----

The Prophet Muhammad's ﷺ birthday celebration...

*Does the concept/belief of the 'celebration of Mawlid/Milad' exsist in the Quran? YES:
Evidence: ■(10:58) ■(19:15) ■(19:33) ■(14:5) and many more.

*Does the concept/belief of the 'celebration of Mawlid/Milad' exsist in the AHadeeth (Prophetic traditions)?: YES
Evidence: ■Sunan Nisa'i hadith No# 5428, ■Sahih Muslim Book of Sawm Hadith No#1162, ■Tirmidhi vol 1 Chapter of the birth of prophet ﷺ

*Did the Prophet ﷺ celebrate his own birthday (mawlid/milad)?: YES!
Evidence: ■Sahih Muslim, vol 2 Book of Sawm Hadith No# 1162

*Did Sayuduna Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه celebrate the Mawlid/Milad?: YES Evidence: ■Sunan Al Nisa'i hadith No# 5428

*Did Sayuduna Umar ibn al-Khattab رضي الله عنه celebrate the Mawlid/Milad?: YES
Evidence: ■Sunan Al Nisa'i hadith No# 5428

*Did Sayuduna Uthmaan ibn Affaan رضي الله عنه celebrate the Mawlid/Milad?: YES
Evidence: ■Sunan Al Nisa'i hadith No# 5428

*Did Sayuduna Ali ibn Abi Taalib رضي الله عنه celebrate the Mawlid/Milad?: YES
Evidence: ■Sunan Al Nisa'i hadith No# 5428

*Did Imam Abu Hanifah (may Allaah have mercy on him) Ever say Celebrating Mawlid is Haram, Innovation or Shirk?: NO.

*Did Imam Muhammad Idrees ash-Shafee (may Allaah have mercy on him) Ever say Celebrating Mawlid is Haram, Innovation or Shirk ?: NO.

*Did Imam Maalik ibn Anas (may Allaah have mercy on him) Ever say Celebrating Mawlid is Haram, Innovation or Shirk ?: NO.

*Did Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (may Allaah have mercy on him) Ever say Celebrating Mawlid is Haram, Innovation or Shirk ?: NO.

*Did any of the first THREE GENERATIONS of muslims Reject The celebration of Mawlid/Milad?: NO

*Does the concept/belief of the celebration of Mawlid/Milad' exsist in the view of any previous scholars?: YES! Evidence:
■Ibn Taymiyya Iqtidaa’ us-siraat-il-Mustaqeem, page 29
■Ibn Kathir Seerat unNabi & Tareekh Islam vol 13
■Ibn Hajar Asqalani Fath ul Bari book of Nikah
■Imam Jalaluddin Sayuti- Al Hawi Lil Fatawi
■Shah Abdul haq Dehalwi Midarijun Nabuwwa Vol 1 (& Many more)

*Is the celebration of Mawlid/Milad part of the religion of Islam?: YES
As this is proven from Quran, Authentic Narrations & Rulings of scholars of Ahlusunnah aswell as Non-Ahlusunnah.

*Do Majority of Muslims Celebrate Mawlid? YES
■47 Islamic Countries have the Mawlid as a National public holiday.

*Who does not like to rejoice on the birth of the best of creation?
Indeed everyone rejoices except for THE DEVIL and his counterparts: Evidence:
أن إبليس رن أربع رنات حين لعن وحين أهبط وحين ولد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وحين أنزلت الفاتحة

■Iblis (Satan) CRIED (screamed) loudly four times, 1- When Allah declared him as cursed, 2- When he was thrown out of Paradise, 3- When THE PROPHET ﷺ was BORN (MILAD) and 4- When Surah Fatiha was revealed
[Ibn Kathir in Al Bidayah wan Nihayah, Volume 2, Page No. 166]

*No surprise you see some crying faces in this month of Rabi ul Awal we can trace back their lineage.

*The Prophet ﷺ said: "I Fear when a so called Muslim will attack his neighbour Muslim with accusing him of SHIRK. The Prophet ﷺ was asked - which of the two will be deserving of such an accusation? - The attacker or the attacked? The Prophet ﷺ replied - The attacker (the one accusing the other of Shirk will in reality be a mushrik and committing shirk himself)
(Bukhari, tarikh ul kabir)

*Those who attack us with accusations of Shirk should fear for their own faith and read the above narration.

*Is it so hard to listen and obey The Quran & The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ ?
your choice!!!

*Do you want to follow the Quran & Sahabi or the Shaytaan & Wahabi?

*Dont delay make the decision today!!!

"The Chanting of Salutaions will be forever, from which the hearts will blossom, Allah keep the Ahlusunnah Thriving, The Messengers ﷺ Milad will forever Continue"

Happy Mawlid Nabiyy 💫

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