Tuesday, 15 September 2015

HOW TO OBSERVE SALATU JANNAZZAH (prayer on the Deseased)

الصلاة على الميت


1-يقف الإمام وراء رأس الرجل ،ووسط المرأة (عند عجيزتها) .

1- The Imaam stand in the back of a man's head (if the deceased is a man), and the middle of a woman (if the deceased is a woman ( i.e, stand around the waist)).

2- يكبر على الجنازة أربعا إلى تسعة تكبيرات ، والأولى التنويع و الأربعة مقدمة لأن الأحاديث فيها أكثر.

2- Then he make takbeer (saying ALLAAHU AKBAR) from 4 to 9 times, the other (the ones one does takbeeraat more than four times) varies, but making the takbeer four times is preponderant. Because the ahaadeeth on it are much more.

3- و يرفع يديه في التكبيرة الأولى و لا يرفعها في بقية التكبيرات.

3- The Imaam raises his hands in the first takbeer, and he doesn't raise them in the other remaining takbeeraat.

4- و يضع يده اليمنى على ظهر كفه اليسرى والرسغ والساعد , ثم يشد بهما على صدره .

4- The Imaam places his right hand in the back of his left hand, meeting with his forearm and wrist.

5- ثم يقرأ عقب التكبيرة الأولى فاتحة الكتاب سورة ، ولا يشرع دعاء الاستفتاح ، ويقرأ الفاتحة وسورة سرا ولا يجهر بها إلا للتعليم .

5- Then he recite the Suuratul Faatihah after the first takbeer. Reciting du'aaa ul- istiftaah (opening prayer) is not legislated. He should just recite faatihah and another suurah (of his choice) silently (not in open voice), he should not read it out, except it's for the purpose teaching (those behind)

6-ثم يكبر التكبيرة الثانية ،و يصلي على النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم بإحدى صيغ الصلاة الإبراهيمية الثابتة عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم .

6- Then he make the second takbeer, he pray on the Prophet, may ALLAAH be pleased with him, with one of the types of Salaatul Ibraaheemiyyah that is reported from Authentic narrations from the Prophet salla LLAAHU alayhi wa sallam (note that he is not to raise his hands again after the raising of the first takbeer).

7-ثم يأتي ببقية التكبيرات ،و يخلص الدعاء فيها للميت .

7- He then make the remaining takbeeraat, then he pick a du'aa and pray for the deceased with it <¹>.

8-ويدعو بما ورد عن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم إن كان يحفظه و إلا دعا للميت بالأدعية العامة .

8- Then he make other du'aa from those Narrated from the Prophet salla LLAAHU alayhi wa sallam if he memorised them, otherwise, he make other popular du'aa <²>.

9-و الدعاء يكون بعد كل تكبيرة ,عدا التكبيرتين الأوليين ففيهما فاتحة الكتاب و الصلاة الإبراهيمية – كما سبق ذكره - .

9- And these du'aa should be after each of the (last two) takbeeraan, except for the first two, where you read faatihah (in the first), and Salaatu Ibraaheemiyyah (in the second)- as it has been preceded.

10- ثم يسلم تسليمتين مثل تسليمه في الصلاة المكتوبة إحداهما عن يمينه و الأخرى عن يساره , ويجوز أن يقتصر على تسليمة واحدة فقط .

10- He should then after make two tasleem, like his tasleem in the obligatory salaat, one to the right, and the other to the left, but its allowed to make one tasleem only.

11-والسنة أن يسلم في الجنازة سرا,الإمام و المأموم في ذلك سواء.

11- The Sunnah is that one make the tasleem in low voice, not loud, both the Imaam and the ma'muum (those who pray behind him) in the same time.

مختصر من أحكام الجنائز للعلامة الشيخ الألباني رحمه الله

Summarised from "Ahkaamul-Janaa'iz" (Rulings of funerals) of Al-Imaam Al-Albaanii may ALLAAH have mercy on him.

Friday, 11 September 2015


10 days of Dhul- Hijjah: September 14 - 22.

First 9 Days - September 14th to 21st.

Day of 'Arafah - September 22nd.

“There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allaah than these 10 days.” [Bukhaari]”

There are no days greater in the sight of Allaah (including Ramadhaan) & in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Him than these 10 days, so during this time recite a great deal of Tahleel (“La ilaaha ill-Allaah”), Takbeer (Allaahu Akbar) and Tahmeed (Al Hamdu Lil-laah).” [Ahmad]

A Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w: “When you see the new moon of Dhul-Hijjah, if any one of you wants to offer a sacrifice, then he should stop cutting his hair and nails until he has offered his sacrifice.” [Muslim]

A Sunnah: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to fast on the first 9 days of Dhul-Hijjah and the day of ‘Ashoora’, and 3 days each month – the first Monday and 2 Thursdays of the month”. [Nasaa’i, Abu Dawood]

Fasting on the Day of ‘Arafaah. He s.a.w said, “It expiates for the sins of the previous year and of the coming year.” [Muslim]

“There is no day on which Allaah frees more people from the Fire than the Day of ‘Arafaah. He comes close and expresses His pride to the angels, saying, ‘What do these people want?’”


Takbeer of Tashreeq: After each Fardh Salaah Recite from Fajr of 9th Dhul Hijjah until Asr of 13th

“Allaahu Akbar,Allaahu Akbar,Laa ilaaha il-lAllaahu,WAllaahu AkbarAllaahu Akbar,Wa Lil-laahil-hamd

(Allaah is the Greatest,Allaah is the Greatest,there is no god but Allaah; Allaah is the Greatest and to Allaah be all praise),”

Adjust your daily routines and make the most of these precious days.

Inform others & share the reward.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015



In Arabic, the word Tayammum literally means an
'aim' or 'purpose.' In Islamic Law, it refers to:
'Aiming for or seeking soil to wipe one's face and
hands with the intention of purification and
preparing oneself to pray, and so on."
Proof of its Legitimacy
This act of ritual cleansing is proven by the
Quran, Sunnah (prophetic tradition) and
Ijmaa' (consensus of Muslim scholars). The Quran
says (what means): "…And if you are ill or on a
journey or one of you comes from the place of
relieving himself or you have contacted women
[i.e., had sexual intercourse] and find no water,
then seek clean earth and wipe over your faces
and your hands [with it]. Indeed, Allaah is ever
Pardoning and Forgiving." [Quran 4:43]
From the Sunnah, we have the Hadeeth (prophetic
statement) related by Abu Umaamah in which the
Prophet said: "All of the earth has been made a
pure place of prayer for me and my nation.
Whenever a person from my nation wants to pray,
he has something with which to purify himself,
that is, the earth." [Ahmad]
Finally, there is a consensus that Tayammum
forms a legitimate part of the Sharee'ah (Islamic
Law), as it replaces ablution with water or Ghusl
(ritual bathing), under specific circumstances.
A Blessing from Allaah
This form of ablution is viewed as a blessing from
Allaah to the Muslims. Jaabir related that the
Prophet said: "I have been given five things that
were not given to anyone before me: I have been
made victorious due to fear of a distance of one
month's journey; the earth has been made a place
of prayer for me and a source of purification -
wherever and whenever any member of my nation
wants to pray, he may pray; and the war booty
has been made lawful to me, and this was not
lawful to anyone before me. I have been given
permission to intercede. Prophets before me used
to be sent to their own people only, but I have
been sent to all of mankind." [Al-Bukhaari &
When to Make Tayammum
One is permitted to make Tayammum in any of the
following cases:
1- If one cannot find water or the amount one
finds is insufficient for ablution
'Imraan Ibn Husayn said: "We were with the
Messenger of Allaah during a journey. When he
led the people in prayer, one man stayed apart.
He asked him: "What prevented you from praying?"
He replied: 'I need a ritual bath (because of
having a wet dream) and there is no water.' The
Messenger said: 'Use the soil, for it is sufficient
(i.e. Tayammum).''' [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim]
2- If one is injured or ill
If one is in this condition and thinks that using
water will worsen it (he does not have to be
absolutely sure, but may base his assumption on
past experience or what a knowledgeable person
has told him), he may perform Tayammum.
Jaabir said, "We were on a journey and one of us
was injured. Later, he had a wet dream. He asked
his companions, 'Can I perform Tayammum?' They
said, 'No, not if you have water.' He performed
Ghusl, which caused him to die. When news of
this came to the Messenger of Allaah he said:
"They killed him! May Allaah kill them! Do you not
ask if you do not know? The remedy for ignorance
is to ask. He could have performed Tayammum
and not dropped water on his wound, or wrapped
it with something, then wiped over the wrapping,
and then washed the rest of his body.""
3- If water is cold enough to physically harm the
Tayammum is allowed when water is available but
is too cold and cannot be heated, or there is no
public bathroom available. 'Amr Ibn Al-'Aas
narrated that he was once participating in a
military expedition. He had a wet dream during an
extremely cold night, and was afraid that if he
performed Ghusl he would die. He prayed the
morning (Fajr) prayer with his companions. He
then went to the Messenger of Allaah to ask him
about this. The Messenger said: "O 'Amr! Did you
pray with your companions while you needed a
ritual bath?" 'Amr said to the Prophet the verse
(which means): "…Do not kill yourselves [or one
another]. Indeed, Allaah is to you ever
Merciful." [Quran 4:29] The Prophet smiled at this
and did not say anything. [Al-Bukhaari]
4- If water is nearby, but one cannot fetch it due
to fear
If one fears for his life, family, wealth, [for
example, if an enemy (beast or human) is nearby
or if one is a prisoner, and so on], he may perform
Tayammum. This is also allowed if there is water
but one lacks the proper means to get it, or if one
fears some accusation against him if he gets it.
5- If one is saving his water for later use
This could be for dough, cooking, or to remove an
impurity that is not pardonable. Imaam Ahmad
said: "Many of the Companions performed
Tayammum to save their water for drinking." 'Ali
said: "A man who is travelling and becomes
unclean because of sexual intercourse, or a wet
dream, can perform Tayammum if he fears he will
go thirsty. He should perform Tayammum and not
Ghusl." [Ad-Daaraqutni]
6- If one can get water, but fears that the prayer
will be over by the time he gets it
He can perform Tayammum and pray, and does
not need to repeat his prayer (after he gets water)
The Soil Used for Tayammum
It must be pure soil: this can be sand, stone,
gypsum, and so on. Allaah Almighty Says in the
Quran (what means): "…Perform Tayammum with
pure soil..." [Quran 5:6] and all scholars of the
Arabic language agree that 'soil' (in Arabic) is
whatever covers the earth, dirt or otherwise.
How to Perform Tayammum
First, one must have the intention to perform
ablution and purifying himself, then he mentions
Allaah's name, strikes the soil with his hands, and
wipes his face and hands up to the wrist, starting
with the right hand. Nothing is more authentic and
clear than what 'Ammaar related. He said: "I once
became sexually impure and had no water, so I
rolled in the dirt and prayed. This was mentioned
to the Prophet who said: "This would have been
enough for you," and he struck the earth with his
hands, blew in them and then wiped his face and
hands with them." [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim]
This Hadeeth shows that one strike of the earth is
sufficient, and one only wipes the arms to the
wrists. It is an act of Sunnah that one who makes
Tayammum with dirt should blow into his hands
first and not make his face dusty or dirty.
What Tayammum Makes Permissible
After performing Tayammum, one is pure and may
perform any of the acts requiring prior ritual
purification, such as praying and touching the
Quran. He does not have to perform it during the
time of prayer, and he may pray as many prayers
as he wishes (unless he nullifies it), exactly as it
is the case with regular ablution. Abu Tharr
reported that the Prophet said: "The soil is a
purifier for a Muslim, even if he does not find
water for ten years. Then, if he finds water, that
is, to make ablution, and so on, it becomes
incumbent upon him to use it." [Ahmad & At-


The first night of marriage
is one of the best night of marriage couples which
they enter the night with
full expectation of
goodness but some merely
lacks the knowledge about
the first night which is bad!!!.
It is unfortunate to notice
that our young men and
women who are absolutely
not ready for marriage and
even if they are ready for marriage seek to take
advice from bad friends
who dont know anything
about that but to expose
them to watch
pornographic movie to satisfy their curiosity
which is totally forbidden
in Islam. The eye that is
seeking to watch the
nackedness of someone
would be questioned and severe torment for such
Dear Newly married
couples or would-be
married couples; The
wedding night is such a blessful night in which
every couple who have
remain chaste and keep
their virginity are waiting
for cos of the enjoyment of
the blessful night!!!. The night starts when the
bride is presented to the
groom and the groom
enters the room with a
smiling face and
say'Assalam alaykum'and the shy bride with her soft
enticing voice should
respond'Wa alaykum
It is in the Sunnah that
both couples should not rush into something very
fast but should perform
two nafila as narrated in a
hadith of the Prophet:
"When you enter upon your
wife (for the first time), you have first to perform two
rak'ats and then hold your
wife's head and say, “
Allaahumma ennee
as'aluka khayrahaa wa
khayra maa jabaltahaa alayhe, wa auuzubeka
minn sharrehaa wa sharre
maa jabaltahaa alayhe ).
(O Allah! Bless my wife for
me,bless me for my wife,
give her bounty out of me, and give me bounty out of
her!"Then you can do what
you want."[Reported by
Abu Dawud]. Then after
that there follow the sacred
union!!!. Before the sacred union,
there are things which
should be observe so as to
make that night special.
1.Make Her
Comfortable.The husband should try to make the wife
comfortable by presenting
her a drink or a sweet cos
from the hadith of Asmaa
bint Yazeed ibn al-Sain
who said'I prepared the beautiful Aishah for the
Messenger of Allah (saw).
Then he came and I called
him to see her in all her
beauty.He came and sat
next to her. He was brought a large cup that
contained milk. He drank
and she put her head
2. The woman on that first
night become very shy which is normal and so the
husband should not be
rude to her but should treat
her with kindness and
good romantic words.
3. Cleanliness must be ensured on that night and
it is preferable to make the
surrounding tidy and not to
use a bright light but a
blue romantic light as
some couples may feel uneasy with a bright bulb.
5. Make sure you arrange
your marriage at a time
when the bride is clean and
not in her menses as the
Quran says :{They ask thee concerning women’s
courses. Say: They are a
hurt and pollution:So keep
away from women in their
courses, and do not
approach them until they are clean. But when they
have purified themselves,
ye may approach them as
ordained for you by Allah
for Allah loves those who
turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep
themselves pure and
clean.}[Al-Baqarah: 222].
So keep this in mind
4. It is permissible that they take off all their
clothes and be completely
naked, but it is better for
them to be under a
common sheet, for the
Prophet(SAW) said:“ Verily Allah is modest and
discreet and He likes
modesty and
discretion.” (Related
byAhmad, Al-Tirmidhi, and
AbuDawud).So please beware of that!!.
The sacred union is not
entered in without any
intimacy like the way
animals approach each
other but it starts with an a romantic forelplay.
Foreplay play a major role
in the sexual stimulation of
the couples especially the
woman. Even the Prophet
was narrated in hadith where the Prophet said we
should marry a young girl
so that you may play with
her and she with you?
[Reported by Al-Bukhari]
Jabir also related,When I married, Allah’s Messenger
(pbuh) said to me, What
type of lady have you
married? I replied, I have
married a non-virgin
woman. He said, Why, do not you have a liking for
the virgins and for fondling
them? [Reported by Al-
Bukhari] . This is because
a virgin woman has the
luster of pleasure, clings to her husband and is easy to
be learned what her
husband wants to implant
of good manners. So the
first time to have sex with
your partner is very critical. Both of you may be
fumbling and do not know
what he or she ought to
do. This is because both of
you plan how to lose his or
her virginity as fast as possible.
Kissing, fondling and
Caressing one’s wife is so
important at that moment.
Speak to her about your
love and passion.Get to know each other’s body.
Take your time in caressing
each other and you will
began to stimulate and
ready for the union. Some
people think of foreplay as a disguesting and
undecent to do with one's
cos of their so_ called
piety but let me tell you
my brothers and sisters; it
is not a sign of piety to abstain from such
activities, for there is no
place for monasticism
(rahbaniyya) in Islam. It is
a practical religion
whereone may fulfil his/ her needs in a permissible
way. Piety (taqwa)
.However, this is totally
incorrect, for who can
possibly be more
pious,pure and God-fearing than the Messenger of
Allah (Allah bless
him&give him peace), yet
not only did he encourage
foreplay, etc,but practically
engaged in it with his wives, as we have learnt
from the authentic hadith.
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (Allah
have mercy on him)reports
in his famous “Tibbal-
Nabawi” that the Messenger of Allah (Allah
bless him & give him
peace) forbade from
engaging in sexual
intercourse before foreplay.
So In conclusion, it is important that the husband
fulfils the wife right of
foreplay and kissing. It is
not something that he
should be shy or reluctant
about. Some individuals regard practices related to
foreplay to be
“inappropriate” and
consider abstinence from
such activities to be from
piety (taqwa).However , this is totally ignorance
and so should practise
Islam When the foreplay is
at it peak and couples are
ready for the union, the
couples should recite this supplication which the
Prophet was narrated
saying :"If,whenever
anyone of you makes
sexual approach to his or
her mate, you say: "( Allaahumma jannebnash
shaytaan, wa jannebesh
shaytaan maa razaqtanaa )
.''O Allah, keep Satan away
from us, and keep him
away from any offspring You may bless us with,
then the Satan will never
harm any offspring you are
destined to produce.
People are curious to
watch pornographic films in the view of getting to
know styles for doing the
union which is wrong!.
There are many common
ways in which couples
physically position themselves for sexual
intercourse.The man-on-
top position is the most
common and preferable of
all intercourse positions. In
some cases such a position may turn upside
down, to be woman-on-top
position. But it is harmful
to have sexual intercourse
with your wife while
standing.It is also better not to eat a heavy
meal,since that will just
make you sleepy.
Some women may feel
uneasy when she is
suddenly break her virginity but the pleasure is
the most wanted and the
satisfaction that you are
doing it with a lawful
man.And For your
information, there is a moment in the union,
which is the climax and the
pleasure at that moment is
a very satisfying
enjoyment the couples had
never had in their lives but waiting for such night,
they enjoy it to the fullest
cos that is what Allah has
ordain for them.
The man should seek to
satisfy the woman sexually so does the woman and so
in this case the Prophet
said"Whoever has sexual
intercourse with his wife
and wants to do that again
would better make ablution.”[Reported by
Ahmad]''. And after the
union, the couples should
take bath and taking a
ritual bath together is
preffered cos it was narrated that the Prophet
said :On the authority
of'Aisha (may Allah be
pleased with her) who
said: “I used to bathe with
the Prophet from a single container of water which
was placed between us
such that our hands
collided inside it. He used
to race me such that
would say:"Leave some for me, leave some for me!.
She added:"We were in a
state of major ritual
impurity (i.e. the state of
janabah ). So it is very
good for couples to have this bath before
undertaking any act, then
the blessful first night has
My dear Brothers and
Sisters; islam has lay down everything for us so
let not our curiosity expose
us to the undecent dangers
from the unbelievers. Islam
has everything and so let
seek knowledge please.. My dear; the first night is
full of blessing and
enjoyment and it can only
be enjoyed by virgins and
sacred widows. Please
keep your virginity for that special husband of yours
please cos it is an honour
to meet your husband a
virgin. Dont date but enter
into marriage please. A
brother should remain chaste and not commit
zina , worship Allah and
obey His commandment
and you shall be granted a
good fantastic wedding
night in sha Allah. May Allah show us that
special night and may
Allah bless any one who
wants to enter into
marriage but not dating.
May Allah guide us all. Ameen. Allah knows