Monday, 22 June 2015


Off-Salah isn’t Off-
Ramadhan (To the
menstruating sister during
i wrote this Article last Ramadhan but
i didnt publish it. And since then, it’s
being lying in my folder. it’s basically
about the activities a muslimah should
engage in during Ramadhan while she
is on her period. many ladies actually
think not being able to pray exempts
them from during reward earning
activities during Ramadhan.
In sha Allah, this post is to enlighten
the women folk and help set straight
the misconception as regards the
religious activities to be engaged in
while fasting.
I hope that this benefits everyone
Zainab, reciting a verse of the Quran
walked in quietly. She expected to meet
no one at home as everyone in the
quest to finishing the recitation of the
Quran in the first 10 days of Ramadan
must have gone to the masjid. Contrary
to what she presumed, she did meet
someone in the house. Ruqayyah!
Ruqayyah was lying on the sofa
watching TV. While everyone thought
they barely had any time to spare for
un-necessary activities, Ruqayyah was
calmly watching “I hate Love Stories”,
an Indian film, in the afternoon of
Ramadan. Finding this eccentric,
zainab couldn’t help but ask…
“Zainab: do you realize it’s Ramadan?
You have to fast not only with your
taste buds on strike but also with every
organ of your body, which vividly
include your eyes and ears. Why
should you waste your time watching
Ruqayyah: Subhanallah zainab! I am
off salah. There is no act of worship
that I can engage in right now and
besides it’s just a movie. In fact, I have
planned to watch at least 5 movies
before I finish menstruating in sha
In sha Allah! I hope you took note of
that word. The truth is this is a perfect
example of how we spend our
menstruating days during the month of
Ramadan. If it’s not movies then it’s
about music! May Allah protect us all.
70% of ladies during menstruation see
themselves as been free from all acts of
worship and they spend the whole day
doing things that are imperceptibly
rewarding. Ramadan is a month in
which the Quran should be the most
conspicious item in virtually every
home. There is a distinct moral
levitation and a calm atmosphere that
usually envelop the whole
environment. It is a month of virtue
which spares no time for frivolities. In
other words, there are numerous acts
of worship a menstruating woman can
and should engage in during Ramadan.
At each salah time, if a menstruating
woman performs wuduu, sits and
makes Dhikr and as well perform
tasbih (Subhanallah, Lailaha illallah
etc) for as long as it usually take her to
perform Salah, she will be given as
many rewards as she will get if she had
performed Salah in the best manner.
Listening to the Quran is also
permitted as it is the perfume for the
soul, the calmer of the heart and the
food for the spirit. Allah says in Quran
39verse 17 – 18 “so give good news to
my slaves, those who listen to the word
and then follow the best of it.” With
this, listening to the Quran is
prescribed for menstruating women.
In ibn kathir’s tafsir of suratul a’raf
verse 179, “the similitude of the one
who memorizes the Qur’an but does
not act in accordance to it is like a
donkey which carries a load of books
but does not understand what it
entail.” The menstrual period is indeed
an opportunity to take time and reflect
upon the Quran, just like the sahabahs
used to do.
Mu’adh bn Jabal (RA) said the prophet
of Allah (SAW) said “the people of
paradise will not regret anything
except one thing alone, the hour that
passed them by, which they made no
remembrance of Allah.” Narrated by
Bayhaqi bn Shu’ab alimran (1:392
512-513). This is proof that a
menstruating woman, day and night is
permitted to make plenty of dhikr. We
should set for ourselves daily targets
during our menses, to do as much
dhikr as possible throughout the day;
at work, while cooking, shopping and
even while relaxing. We should ensure
we always remember Allah with our
tongue as well as our Hearts.
Moreover, the highest ranks in Jannah
are for those who remember Allah the
Also, be of best manners, character and
conduct. The Rasul said “the best loved
by me and the nearest to me in the
seats on the day of resurrection are
those who have the best manners and
conducts amongst you, who are
intimate, are on good terms with
others and are humble. And the most
hated by me, who will be on the
farthest seats from me are those who
are the talkative and arrogant.”
It is important that a menstruating
lady increase in giving out charity, as
it eliminates sins and relinquishes one
from Hell. In a narration, the Rasul
(SAW) said: “charity wipes out sins as
water extinguishes fire.” In another
narration he (SAW) also said:
“Righteous deeds protect a person from
an evil end; a charity spent in secret
extinguishes Allah’s wrath; and
maintaining good ties of kinship
increase one’s lifespan (Tabaran).
Remember! Charity doesn’t necessarily
mean giving out money or material
things. Removing harmful objects from
people’s way, providing for one’s
family, spreading the message of Al-
Islam via texts facebook updates,
tweets or thought provoking pictures
on instagram are also acts of charity.
In conclusion, a woman on her menses
must never feel that she is unable to
gain the blessings and rewards of the
month of Ramadan. There is virtually
nothing stopping her from gaining
immense reward equal to that of a
man. All that is required of her is
effort. Effort throughout Ramadan, and
with the belief that Allah will accept
all her supplication. On the inquiry of
Aisha (RA), Rasul recommended that
we should say “Allahuma innaka
afuwun affuwun tuhibul afwa fa ‘fu
anee – Oh Allah, you are pardoning
and you love to pardon, so pardon me.”
May Allah in His infinite mercy
pardon us all and enable us gain the
best of rewards in this blessed month.

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